News-Coffee9-150x150Welcome to the 61st edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest.

This fortnight, India passes new laws related to violence against women, imposing harsher punishments for crimes involving sexual violence. We highlight several articles that explain the new laws and some of the changes that it provides to the existing legal framework for women in India.

In the United States, attention was drawn to the rape in Steubenville High and the media coverage in response to it. Many felt that the media fell into a pattern of perpetuating rape culture. Responses by the public to the media reaction to the rape case show growing awareness about rape culture. Among these responses is a brief video filmed by a university student that has gained more than a million views on Youtube.

In other news:

  • Rescuing a victim of trafficking in the USA may now be a simple as sending a text message. The Polaris Project has implemented a text message service. Victims, survivors, and others wishing to connect with the national human trafficking hotline can send a text to “BeFree” or 233733.
  • Malala Yousafzai, the 15-year-old Nobel Laureate, is back in school in England and her foundation has made its first grant to a girls’ school in Pakistan to help keep the 40 female students in school and away from child marriage and forced domestic labour.
  • International Anti-Street Harassment Week kicks off today (7 April) and runs until 14 April 2013. Our partner Stop Street Harassment will be holding events including tweet-a-thons, demonstrations and other activist events throughout the week.

Every contribution matters. If you have any news you’d like to share about violence against women, please email The Pixel Project at If you prefer to receive up-to-the-minute news concerning violence against women, follow us on Twitter. It’s time to stop violence against women together.

Best regards
The Pixel Project Team


General Violence Against Women News


Domestic Violence


Rape / Sexual Assault


Human/Sex Trafficking


Female Genital Mutilation


Forced Marriage/Honour Killing

