News-Coffee9-150x150Welcome to the 72nd edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest!

The International Federation of Women Lawyers Chairperson Mrs. Rita Ilevbare reported a decline in violence against women in the Ekiti State of Nigeria on the November 11th. However in Hungary and Spain , domestic violence remains a chronic rampant problem.

In India, businesses are tackling the issue of workplace sexual harassment through workshops . Moroccan lawmakers have drafted a bill with jail terms for sexual harassers on November 7th.

Every contribution matters. If you have any news you’d like to share about violence against women, please email The Pixel Project at If you prefer to receive up-to-the-minute news concerning violence against women, follow us on Twitter. It’s time to stop violence against women together.

Best regards,
The Pixel Project Team

Violence Against Women – General News


Domestic Violence


Rape and Sexual Assault


Human/Sex Trafficking


Female Genital Mutilation


Forced Marriage and Honour Killing

