News-Coffee9-150x150Welcome to the 80th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest!

A delay in adopting a domestic violence law in Lebanon has drawn thousands of men and women to march in Beirut, the national capital of Lebanon, on the second weekend of March 2014. A draft law was submitted to Parliament in 2010. However, a subcommittee has only began studying it in May 2011 and finalized amendments in August 2012. The amendments refer to domestic violence as against the family, rather than women specifically. The removal of the clause criminalizing marital rape has also caused some backlash.

The European Union’s (EU) Agency for Fundamental Rights has released a report earlier this month that suggests about one in 10 women have been victims of sexual violence in the EU. The survey comprised of 42,000 women across the member states and was conducted from March to September in 2012.

Iraq’s Council of Ministers has introduced a draft of the Jaafari Personal Status Law . The pending legislation would restrict women’s rights in matters of inheritance and parental and other rights after divorce, make it easier for men to take multiple wives, and allow girls to be married from age nine, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

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Best regards,
The Pixel Project Team


Violence Against Women – General News


Domestic Violence


Rape & Sexual Assault


Sex/Human Trafficking


Female Genital Mutilation


Forced Marriage & Honour Killing

