News-Coffee9-150x150Welcome to the 91st edition of the Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest!

The Copenhagen Consensus Centre has conducted a study and reveals that domestic violence costs more lives and financial loss worldwide than wars.

In Australia, a survey reveals that many people still trivialize and excuse forms of violence against women, including believing that drunkenness makes a person ‘partially responsible’ for rape.

The United States marks 20 years of the Violence Against Women Act. Read Vice President Joe Biden’s address on it. On this same fortnight, President Obama launches the ‘It’s On Us’ campaign, seeking to end rape on campus.

Every contribution matters. If you have any news you’d like to share about violence against women, please email The Pixel Project at If you prefer to receive up-to-the-minute news concerning violence against women, follow us on Twitter . It’s time to stop violence against women together.

Best regards,
The Pixel Project Team

Violence Against Women – General News


Domestic Violence


Rape and Sexual Assault


Sex / Human Trafficking


Female Genital Mutilation


Forced Marriage and Honour Killings


Street Harassment

