News-Coffee9-150x150Welcome to the 119th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-news digest.

This month, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day on 28 August. Get to know the woman who started the movement. The prevalence of violence against women and girls is a major marker indicating the level of gender equality in a culture and country. So check out some of the major cases and work that’s taking place worldwide to tackle this issue as part of the struggle for gender equality:

In Russia religious figureheads sparked backlash for reinforcing support for female circumcision. In the United States, the campaign CEO of a Presidential candidate is accused of domestic violence. Activists in the Asia Pacific are seeking to address the epidemic of violence against women by getting more accurate data. In Peru an astounding 50,000 people turned up to protest violence against women.

Men are also important allies in the journey to eliminate violence and promote equality. Check out how a new charter in India is seeking to appeal to boys and men to counter violence against women, how boys are key to changing attitudes to violence against women in Barbados, and how a father tries to amend the mistake of forcing his daughter to marry by changing and challenging traditional views on the roles of women.

Every contribution matters. If you have any news you’d like to share about violence against women, please email The Pixel Project at If you prefer to receive up-to-the-minute news concerning violence against women, follow us on Twitter.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

Best regards,
The Pixel Project Team

General Violence Against Women


Domestic Violence


Rape and Sexual Assault


Sex Trafficking


Female Genital Mutilation


Forced Marriage and Honour Killing

