The Pixel Project is proud to present our blog tour for Giving The Devil His Due, our first charity anthology, to help raise awareness about violence against women (VAW) during Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April 2022 ahead of the upcoming launch of the classic edition of the anthology on 25 May 2022.

By participating in this blog tour, book bloggers and vloggers from several countries are joining the global conversation about the anthology and the importance of stopping VAW as well as helping victims and survivors of VAW realise that they are not alone and that help is out there.

In our third round-up blog post for the blog tour, we present the second round of published reviews, interviews, and spotlight pieces that have come out between 21 – 30 April 2022.


 Blog Tour Stop #10: KJ Mulder’s Review of Giving The Devil His Due (21 April 2022)

Check out book blogger KJ Mulder’s Worlds In Ink blog where they have published a great review of the anthology. They write: Giving The Devil His Due edited by Rebecca Brewer brings together stories from some of the top names in speculative fiction. The sixteen stories collected here hit hard and will give you a new perspective on the abuse and violence so many women worldwide have to endure on a daily basis.”


Blog Tour Stop #11: Lisa Haselton Interviews Dana Cameron (23 April 2022)

Check out book blogger Lisa Haselton’s website where she interviews our very own Dana Cameron about the anthology, Dana’s short story ‘The Kindly Sea’, and Dana’s career as an author.


Blog Tour Stop #12: Author A.F. Stewart Shines A Light on Giving The Devil His Due (23 April 2022)

Check out Horror author A.F. Stewart’s website where she has published a special book spotlight on Giving The Devil His Due including her earlier blog tour interview with our very own Angela Yuriko Smith.


Blog Tour Stop #13: Liberation Is Lit Reviews Giving The Devil His Due (25 April 2022)

Check out Liberation Is Lit where book blogger Tayler Simon has published a thought-provoking review of our anthology, saying: “Overall, I would recommend this book to any victim/survivor of violence who is at a place in their journey for this outlet. Even though they might not be able to kill their perpetrator in an act of revenge, this book may give them the courage to be bold and fight for what justice looks like to them.”


Blog Tour Stop #14: Feminist Book Club has a Q&A with Regina Yau and Rebecca Brewer (29 April 2022)

Check out Feminist Book Club’s interview with Pixel Project founder Regina Yau and anthology editor Rebecca Brewer about how the anthology came to be and The Pixel Project’s anti-violence against women work.


Blog Tour Stop #15: Aquavenatus Reviews Giving The Devil His Due (29 April 2022)

Check out book blogger and librarian L.A. Young’s book blog, Aquavenatus where she reviews the anthology. She writes: Giving the Devil His Due is an essential anthology about fighting back. Readers can enjoy stories from some of their favorite authors while becoming informed of the issues presented within these stories. If you’re interested in stories where the victim comes out victorious or where the villain gets what’s coming to them, then you will enjoy this anthology. Let’s read to stop violence against women.”


Blog Tour Stop #16: As Told By Bex Reviews Giving The Devil His Due (29 April 2022)

Check out book blogger Bex/Becca’s book blog As Told By Bex where she has published a fabulous review of the anthology. She writes: “I want to give credit to every single author for the way they handled writing stories that center around violence against women and the way justice is served for all of the abusers in these stories. Revenge comes in different forms in Giving the Devil His Due; some with a simple weapon and others with help from spirits. All of the stories in this collection bring something new to the table, while simultaneously serving as a message about the same important topic. This is definitely a collection worth reading.”

 Interested in buying yourself (or a friend) a copy of Giving The Devil His Due? Find out more about what the anthology is about and where to buy it here. All proceeds go towards supporting The Pixel Project’s anti-violence against women work.

Want to learn more about violence against women and the work that The Pixel Project does? Visit us at