Violence against women (VAW) is one of the most pervasive, widespread and entrenched human rights atrocities in the world. However, it also remains one of the least understood for two major reasons. Firstly, VAW remains normalised and systemic in many countries through cultural practices and patriarchal beliefs. Secondly, it is also regarded as a taboo subject for discussion in communities worldwide. Consequently, many individuals and communities remain uninformed about what VAW is, what it looks like, the impact of VAW on the victim and everyone around her and what to do when a woman or girl they know is affected by VAW.

Additionally, anyone who decides to learn more about VAW often finds that they are unsure where to find the most accurate and helpful resources. If they do find some resources, the sheer volume of information can be intimidating to those who are new to the issue.

Information is power and so The Pixel Project presents 16 anti-VAW resources that anyone anywhere with an internet connection can access for free. The list is divided into two sections: global resources and region or country-specific resources. We have included a mix of searchable databases and knowledge centres. Each one has a specific function. Some enable users to search for the nearest point of help for victims and survivors, be it a women’s shelter or sexual violence helpline. Others are centralised informational virtual hubs and libraries for anyone looking to learn more about VAW (or a particular type of VAW). Still others are treasure troves of statistics, reports, maps and other information that activists, advocates and academics can use to deepen their knowledge about VAW and augment the impact of their campaigns and research.

This is by no means a comprehensive list of resources but it is a good starting point. To access each resource, just click on the hyperlinked title.

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.

Introduction by Regina Yau. Written by Sharmila Ganapathy with additional content by Regina Yau. Researched, curated and compiled by Regina Yau and Vani Bhardwaj.

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Global Resources

Feminist/VAW Resource #1: The End Violence Against Women International Resource Library

End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI) was founded in 2003 by Sergeant Joanne Archambault of the San Diego Police Department. Archambault had observed a need to train law enforcement personnel in how to investigate sexual assault and domestic violence and so EVAWI was born. The EVAWI online library is a research resource comprising articles, reports, e-books, training materials and videos, among other materials. This resource is aimed at survivors/victims, researchers, policymakers and laypersons who want to learn about VAW.


Feminist/VAW Resource #2: Girls Not Brides Learning And Resources Page

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership of more than 1,400 member organisations in 100 countries collaborating to end child marriage. The charity’s learning hub provides policy briefs, fact sheets, reports, toolkits and other learning materials concerning child marriage. The hub also has guides on advocacy, youth activism and fundraising, and is a wealth of knowledge for researchers, activists, policymakers and the general public who want to learn more about child marriage.


Feminist/VAW Resource #3: Prevention Collaborative Knowledge Hub

The Prevention Collaborative is an initiative driven by a cohort of dedicated anti-violence against women practitioners and researchers who united to better connect local and global knowledge to prevent violence against women and children. This collaborative’s website has a searchable knowledge hub for practitioners that includes practice briefs, reports and position papers, guides, webinars, evidence reviews and courses. The Foundations section of the knowledge hub also has explanations of key concepts related to VAW, which is aimed at the general public.


Feminist/VAW Resource #4: The RESPECT Women VAW Resources Page

“RESPECT Women: Preventing Violence Against Women” is a framework for policy makers “to strengthen and scale up efforts to prevent violence against women”. It was launched in 2019 by UN Women and the World Health Organization, with twelve other United Nations agencies. RESPECT’s VAW resources page has downloadable framework decks in five languages, literature on VAW programmes, implementation guides, reports, infographics and an educational videos. This resource is for policymakers, activists, researchers and the general public.


Feminist/VAW Resource #5: The Sexual Violence Research Initiative Research Resources Section

The Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) is “the largest network on research on violence against women (VAW) and violence against children (VAC) including researchers, practitioners, donors, activists and policy makers across the globe.” SVRI has a research resources section on its website, which includes a global library filled with VAW and VAC-related publications as well as the latest briefs on VAW/VAC, research methods and tools and funding resources. This makes SVRI’s resource section a staple in the informational toolkit of researchers, activists and policymakers working to address sexual violence against women and children across the world.


Feminist/VAW Resource #6: The NO MORE Global Directory

Created by The NO MORE Foundation in partnership with the United Nations and The World Bank, the NO MORE global directory lists domestic and sexual violence helplines, specialist support services and resources. Click on a country and you’ll find national domestic violence and sexual assault helplines, lists of counselling centres, one-stop crisis centres, legal aid resources, shelters, lists of hospitals and other services. This makes it a valuable resource for victims/survivors, researchers and activists.


Feminist/VAW Resource #7: The Pixel Project

The Pixel Project is a virtual volunteer-led global non-profit that raises awareness, funds, and volunteer power to end VAW via campaigns, initiatives and programmes at the intersection of social media, new technologies and pop culture/the arts. Their website provides several resources for education and assistance, including a resources page with listings of anti-VAW organisations that work on ending VAW in general or specific types of VAW such as domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, forced and child marriage, honour killing, female genital mutilation and human trafficking. There is also a VAW Facts section on the website with primers on many different types of VAW, which are useful introductions for anyone who is just beginning to learn about VAW but has no idea where to start.


Feminist/VAW Resource #8: Directory of UN Resources on Gender and Women’s Issues

The United Nation (UN)’s WomenWatch has a directory of UN resources about gender and women’s issues that includes links to relevant UN agencies and VAW-related publications and reports. Here, you’ll find reports by UNICEF, UN Women, the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organization and other relevant agencies. This directory is a vast and useful research resource for policymakers, researchers, activists and members of the general public who want to know more about the UN’s work involving VAW and learn about VAW and anti-VAW programmes, campaigns, studies and initiatives happening across the world.


Country/Region-Specific Resources

Feminist/VAW Resource #9: Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children Resource Library – Canada

Western University in Canada runs a Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children. It provides a comprehensive, searchable resource library of content on the topics of violence against women and children ranging from child maltreatment, information on concepts and analysis/frameworks, elder abuse, dating violence and other key issues. The types of resources available include backgrounders, factsheets, infographics, training materials, podcasts, public education materials, reports and toolkits. This is a valuable research resource for researchers, activists, policymakers and the general public.


Feminist/VAW Resource #10: – United States of America has a huge, searchable database of programmes and shelters in the U.S. and Canada and a comprehensive library of resources. On its website, you’ll find information and articles about how to identify abuse, a directory of domestic violence shelters, programmes and hotlines, and various types of resources on how to heal from abuse. This website is a good resource for survivors/victims of domestic abuse who need assistance as well as activists and educators looking for accessible content for raising awareness and educating their communities about issues linked to domestic violence.


Feminist/VAW Resource #11: National FGM Centre Resources Page – United Kingdom

The UK-based National FGM Centre campaigns against female genital mutilation (FGM) and other harmful practices such as sex-selective abortion, menstruation ostracism, scarring or branding and breast flattening. Their resources page is a valuable resource for professionals in the field, including social care, healthcare and education professionals. Their available e-learning and training materials, legal and statutory guidance documents and toolkits are vital for UK-based researchers, activists, community leaders, parents and educators looking to tackle FGM in their communities.


Feminist/VAW Resource #12: SNEHA Knowledge Centre – India

Mumbai-based Society for Nutrition, Education & Health Action (SNEHA) Knowledge Centre aims to “strengthen the health promotion and violence prevention ecosystem for women and children in India through the development, scaling and sharing of evidence-based solutions.” The knowledge centre comprises the hybrid SNEHA Academy (with learning resources and certification courses on health and violence prevention), SNEHA Learning Partnerships (providing technical support and fostering partnerships with the government and NGOs) and a resource page that is a searchable knowledge base of reports, papers and articles about domestic violence, rape and sexual assault, and child sexual abuse in India.


Feminist/VAW Resource #13: TRUST – European Union

Coordinated by The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, TRUST is a two-year transnational project to facilitate the improvement of women’s specialist services (WSS) in the EU. TRUST has a repository of “measures and tools developed in selected EU Member States to respond to violence against women in the context of the COVID-19 crisis and the post-pandemic environment.” Resource topics include advocacy and lobbying, a directory of counselling services, funding and resources to WSS, and many others for activists, researchers and policymakers throughout the EU.


Feminist/VAW Resource #14: FGM in NZ Resources Page – New Zealand

The FGM in NZ resources page is run by The FGM Education Programme, a community-based programme founded in response to the rising number of immigrant women settling in New Zealand who are from countries that practice female genital mutilation (FGM). This resources page lists recommended FGM books, articles, international FGM organisations, informational videos, reports, guidelines and support services. The page also has links to resources for child protection and health professionals. This makes it an excellent resource for survivors/victims and researchers as well as community leaders and educators facing cases of FGM in their neigbourhoods and schools across New Zealand.

Feminist/VAW Resource #15:
SaferSpaces Resources Page – South Africa

SaferSpaces is “an interactive platform run by and for community safety and violence prevention practitioners in South Africa to connect, share knowledge and learn from each other.” This searchable page offers resources ranging from advocacy-related materials, articles, factsheets, infographics, guides, reports and videos to podcasts and tools. It will prove useful to researchers, policymakers, education and health professionals, social care professionals and the general public.

Feminist/VAW Resource #16: 
Women With Disabilities Victoria – Australia

Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) is a non-profit organisation representing women with disabilities in the state of Victoria, Australia. WDV’s violence prevention resources page includes a directory of specialist support services within Victoria and Australia, reading materials for preventing violence against women with disabilities in climate emergencies and in multicultural communities, a downloadable PDF “experience poster”, case studies, toolkits, reports, educational videos and webinars. It is a good resource for emergency workers and other healthcare professionals, employers and anyone who has friends or family members who are disabled women.


Bonus Resource

Feminist/VAW Resource #17: Dr Lina AbiRafeh’s ‘Feminist Activist Firestarter’ Resource

Dr. Lina AbiRafeh is an international activist, academic and aid worker with nearly 30 years of experience championing women’s rights. Her website and newsletter are good resources for people who want to receive feminist and women’s rights information or news via email. Once you sign up for her newsletter, you’ll receive a 30-page downloadable Feminist Activist Firestarter calendar. This calendar contains key dates involving women’s rights, details on the significance of those days, as well as links to related resources.


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