MARCH 1st, 2025 (WORLDWIDE): The Pixel Project (, a 501(c)3 anti-Violence Against Women non-profit, is proud to announce Quotes For Pixels, a new campaign which distills the best ideas, advice, and actions from the activists, advocates, allies, and authors who have participated in Pixel Project campaigns, initiatives, and projects for the past 16 years. This campaign launches today (1st March 2025 – the first day of Women’s History Month) and will become an ongoing part of The Pixel Project’s overall education and awareness-raising programming.

Through Quotes For Pixels, The Pixel Project will present accessible bite-sized resources designed with two purposes in mind. Firstly, they provide information and ideas in brief and impactful formats which will help get the message about violence against women to stick better in people’s minds in the fast-changing social media landscape. Secondly, these resources will hopefully reach young people who engage better with short videos and memes through social media channels such as TikTok and Instagram.

The campaign will launch in two phases:

  • The first phase of the campaign will introduce a series of poster memes which highlight ideas for stopping violence against women from activists, advocates, allies, and authors whom The Pixel Project has interviewed over the years. This phase will kick off with 31 poster memes shared via Facebook, Instagram, and Bluesky over the 31 days of March 2025, followed by new poster memes introduced on a regular basis from thereon.
  • The second phase of the campaign will feature mini public service announcement videos by Read For Pixels authors. It is currently set to begin on 1st April 2025 which is the first day of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. From thereon, The Pixel Project will share one video per week on Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

Regina Yau, Founder and President of The Pixel Project said: “Since our founding in 2009, The Pixel Project has built a formidable collection of educational resources related to violence against women including recordings of our panel sessions with activists, authors, and allies; archived Read For Pixels author AMAs on r/Fantasy on Reddit; and published interviews with anti-VAW activists and advocates from around the world. In 2024, we began the intensive process of deep diving into our archives to transform the best and most powerful of them into awareness-raising materials and tools in shareable short format resources to boost the social media signal for the most thought-provoking ideas, advice, and actions for stopping violence against women. We hope that people worldwide will find Quotes For Pixels materials useful tools which will serve as a starting point for conversations about violence against women and girls in their families, communities, and workplaces.”

About The Pixel Project (

The Pixel Project is a complete virtual, volunteer-led global 501(c)3 non-profit organisation whose mission is to raise awareness, funds and volunteer power for the cause to end violence against women at the intersection of social media, online communities, new technologies, and popular culture/the Arts.