Welcome to Part 1 of our January 2023 Inspirational Interview with Irina Matvienko, CEO of NeMolchi.uz in Uzbekistan. Irina has a Bachelor of Information Technology from the Tashkent State University
The Pixel Project Turns 14: Marking New Milestones in Our Work to End Violence Against Women
The Pixel Project is 14 years old today: 14 years of being the only anti-VAW nonprofit to specialise in working to raise awareness, funds, and volunteer power to end violence
Inspirational Interview: Tracy DeTomasi, CEO, Callisto, United States – Part II
Welcome to Part 2 of our December 2022 Inspirational Interview with Tracy DeTomasi, CEO of Callisto in the US. Ms. DeTomasi is an educator, speaker, and nationally recognised expert on domestic and
Inspirational Interviews: Tracy DeTomasi, CEO, Callisto, United States – Part I
Welcome to Part 1 of our December 2022 Inspirational Interview with Tracy DeTomasi, CEO of Callisto in the US. Ms. DeTomasi is an educator, speaker, and nationally recognised expert on domestic
The Pixel Project Selection 2022: 16 Of The Pixel Project’s Best Interviews
For almost fourteen years, The Pixel Project has worked at the intersection of social media, pop culture, the arts, journalism, activism, and new technologies to shine a light on the
The Pixel Project Selection 2022: 16 Striking Campaigns for the Cause to End Violence Against Women
Every year, we at The Pixel Project come across a wide variety of innovative and powerful campaigns tackling Violence Against Women (VAW) by our fellow activists and non-profits from around
The Pixel Project Selection 2022: 16 Pieces of Positive News in the Global Battle to End Violence Against Women
Violence against women (VAW) is one of the most widespread and toxic human rights violations in the world. It takes a wide variety of forms from domestic violence to rape
The Pixel Project Selection 2022: 16 Books About Violence Against Women
While many people still see fiction and nonfiction books beyond textbooks as entertainment, storytelling is and can be a vehicle for framing, reinforcing and transmitting culture and beliefs. More than
THE PIXEL PROJECT SELECTION 2022: 16 Authors Against Violence Against Women
Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labelled: “This could change your life.” – Helen Exley Violence against women (VAW) is a prevalent and entrenched part of countless societies
THE PIXEL PROJECT SELECTION 2022: 16 Films About Violence Against Women
Welcome to The Pixel Project’s 11th annual list of recommended thought-provoking and powerful documentaries, feature films and television series that depict violence against women (VAW) in various forms. Since we