16 Ways We Can Combat Rape Culture

The Pixel Project is pleased to welcome a guest “16 For 16” article from our partner, Breakthrough – a global human rights organisation working to make violence and discrimination against women and

The Pixel Project Selection 2020: 16 Violence Against Women Survivors Who Became Anti-VAW Activists and Advocates

After surviving heinous acts of gender-based violence (including rape, female genital mutilation, domestic abuse, and child sexual abuse), women and girls are typically left to struggle with the trauma that

Transforming Personal Pain Into Positive Action: The Pixel Project’s 16 Female Role Models 2020

Today is the first day of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2020 campaign. The Pixel Project is kicking things off with our 9th annual list of 16

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Fathers For Pixels 2020 Livestream Series – A Primer For Fathers Worldwide On Taking Action To Stop Violence Against Women

MAY 21st, 2020 (WORLDWIDE): The Pixel Project, a 501(c)3 anti-Violence Against Women non-profit, is proud to announce Fathers For Pixels – its latest initiative to engage men in efforts to