Violence against women (VAW) is one of the most pervasive, widespread and entrenched human rights atrocities in the world. However, it also remains one of the least understood for two
Inspirational Interviews: Sandra Henriquez, CEO, ValorUS – Part II
Welcome to Part 2 of our June 2022 Inspirational Interview with Sandra Henriquez, chief executive officer of ValorUS (VALOR) in the United States. Ms. Henriquez has worked in the movement
Inspirational Interviews: Sandra Henriquez, CEO, ValorUS – Part I
Welcome to Part 1 of our June 2022 Inspirational Interview with Sandra Henriquez, chief executive officer of ValorUS (VALOR) in the United States. Ms. Henriquez has led efforts to elevate
10 Things You Can Do To Help The Anti-Sexual Violence Movement
The Pixel Project is proud to present this timely guest post from our sister anti-Violence Against Women activist Trace Fleming who has shared with us a very useful list of
The Pixel Project is proud to present our second annual Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project in honour of Mother’s Day 2015. The project runs throughout the month of May 2015
Inspirational Interview: Jaclyn Friedman – Part II
We continue our inspirational interview with Jaclyn Friedman, writer, educator, activist. In this part of the interview, she discusses feminism, her latest book, Yes means yes: Visions of Female Sexual