The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 121

Welcome to the 121th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest! October marks National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States. It is also the month leading up

The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 120

Welcome to the 120th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest! This month the swift release of convicted rapist Brock Turner in the United States caught worldwide attention. This

The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 118

Welcome to the 118th edition of The Pixel Project’s e-News Digest on Violence Against Women. This month several countries have taken huge steps in denouncing and eliminating violence against women.

The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 117

Welcome to the 117th edition of the VAW e-News Digest! June 2016 has been a terrible month as far as global headlines that caught our attention are concerned. Incidences of