The Pixel Project is proud to present our fourth annual Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project in honour of Mother’s Day 2017. The annual campaign runs throughout the month of May 2017
Inspirational Interview: Laura Dunn – Part II
Welcome to part 2 of our November 2016 Inspirational Interview with Laura Dunn, the Founder and Executive Director of SurvJustice, a national nonprofit providing legal assistance to sexual violence survivors across
Inspirational Interview: Laura Dunn – Part I
Welome to our November 2016 Inspirational Interview. This month, we talk to Laura L. Dunn, Esq. who is the Founder and Executive Director of SurvJustice, a national nonprofit providing legal assistance
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 121
Welcome to the 121th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest! October marks National Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States. It is also the month leading up
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 120
Welcome to the 120th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-News Digest! This month the swift release of convicted rapist Brock Turner in the United States caught worldwide attention. This
The Pixel Project VAW e-news digest: Edition 119
Welcome to the 119th edition of The Pixel Project’s VAW e-news digest. This month, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day on 28 August. Get to know the woman who started the
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 118
Welcome to the 118th edition of The Pixel Project’s e-News Digest on Violence Against Women. This month several countries have taken huge steps in denouncing and eliminating violence against women.
The Pixel Project VAW e-News Digest: Edition 117
Welcome to the 117th edition of the VAW e-News Digest! June 2016 has been a terrible month as far as global headlines that caught our attention are concerned. Incidences of
“30 For 30″ Father’s Day Campaign 2016: Interview 20 – Daniel Hassler, 38, USA
Welcome to The Pixel Project’s “30 For 30″ Father’s Day Campaign 2016! In honour of Father’s Day, we created this campaign: To acknowledge the vital role dads play in families,
10 Things You Can Do To Help The Anti-Sexual Violence Movement
The Pixel Project is proud to present this timely guest post from our sister anti-Violence Against Women activist Trace Fleming who has shared with us a very useful list of