Anushia Kandasivam
Senior Editor and Writer
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Anushia is a journalist and an avid consumer of media of the science fiction and fantasy genre. She believes that all people should have equal rights and representation under the law and be treated as equals in every aspect of life and community.
She is part of the editorial team for The Pixel Project’s Survivor Stories campaign and 30 For 30 Father’s Day campaign. She is also a member of the writing/research team for The Pixel Project’s website primers about violence against women and a senior writer for the 16 For 16 campaign.
Crystal Smith
Senior Editor-at-Large
Oakville, Canada
Crystal Smith is a social media and marketing writer who has spent many years working with non-profit agencies seeking gender equality and an end to discrimination against women. After being regularly disappointed by the film and television offerings available to her two young sons, she decided to write about the impact of kids’ popular culture on young boys in her blog and recently published book The Achilles Effect: What Pop Culture is Teaching Young Boys about Masculinity.
In addition to volunteering as Blog Editor with The Pixel Project, Crystal offers pro bono social media marketing services to her local women’s centre. Through her business, Tiger Lily Media, she also provides low-cost social media and copywriting services to non-profit organisations.
Eunice Foo
Interviewer and Supporting Editor
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Regina Yau
Lead Editor and Writer
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Regina Yau is the Founder and President of The Pixel Project which she created in 2009 to raise funds, awareness and volunteer power for the cause to end violence against women using the power of the internet, new technologies, social media and popular culture/the arts. Regina is a Rhodes Scholar with a long-standing commitment to women’s human rights.
In addition to serving as Founder and President of The Pixel Project, Regina also oversees the Editorial and Writing team. She organises interviews, works with the different editorial teams to edit all blogging campaigns, and writes for the 16 For 16 campaign (and the occasional Op-Ed).
Sharmila Ganapathy
Editor and Writer
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Sharmila Ganapathy is an editor, writing coach, creative writer and artist based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. She’s also a cat-mom and an avid reader and traveller.
Sharmila is the Co-Editor for our Inspirational Interviews and a member of the editorial and writing team for the “16 For 16” campaign and the writing/research team for The Pixel Project’s website primers about violence against women.
Susanna Lim
Editor and Writer
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Susanna is a freelance content writer who writes on a variety of topics including travel, personal finance and small-to-medium enterprises.
She’s very happy to have joined The Pixel Project’s editorial team as an editor and writer for its 16 For 16 Campaign, which seeks to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women (VAW). She truly believes in the mission of the organisation to eradicate VAW, and enjoys researching the various ways countries around the world are uniting on this mission.
Suloshini Jahanath
Editor (On Sabbatical)
Adelaide, Australia
Sulo is a writer and editor who believes that women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights is a fundamental human right. She carries this belief into her volunteer work with The Pixel Project.
She is part of the editorial team for The Pixel Project’s Survivor Stories campaign and 30 For 30 Father’s Day campaign. She is also the lead editor for the 16 For 16 campaign. Apart from editing and writing, Sulo is a senior Read For Pixels moderator who has previously moderated Read For Pixels Google Hangout sessions featuring Jacqueline Carey, Kelley Armstrong, Christina Lauren, Alexandra Monir, Laurie R. King, and Yasmine Galenorn.
Follow Sulo on Twitter at